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The Shop

Mollie's Bread Shop's mission is to provide a quality product that reflects family and traditions. We use all-natural sourdough starters in each small batch, because we know that this is the best way to create a great loaf of bread. Sourdough is alive—it grows and changes with time, just like a family, so you'll know that a loaf of Mollie's bread is a unique, one of a kind product, that we hope your family will enjoy as much as we do!

Mollie Montgomery



I am a young entrepreneur with a passion for bread making. According to my parents, this is what I’ve always wanted to do: be a baker. I love the tradition and history of bread. It is a focal point in every culture and is incorporated into every cuisine. I learned to make bread after I realized how much I loved my late grandfather’s Granddaddy Bread, and how much it was missed at family gatherings. Sourdough bread has always been a favorite in my family. We devour bread at the kitchen table while visiting with family, and wake up every Saturday morning to the smell of my mom making Harrist Pancakes. There’s nothing like gathering for a meal and eating a fresh, homemade loaf of bread. My mission is to share this love of bread and to continue the sourdough traditions my two grandfathers started years ago. 

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