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The Dough


Harrist sourdough is a family tradition that began when my mom was very young. My grandfather made pancakes, bread, and even cake out of this starter. On Saturday mornings Harrist Pancakes were the only thing that could get a sleepy teenager out of bed before 9 in my house. It is a simple flour and water starter passed down for over 55 years.

Est. 1963


Harrist Sourdough

Granddaddy was a minister who took up baking bread late in life. Granddaddy made at least 3 loaves a day and my cousins and I ate it up! After Granddaddy passed, I decided to start my first sourdough starter and fell in love with the art of baking. Granddaddy Bread is a potato and sugar-based sourdough, giving it a light sweet flavor.

Est. October 2014


Grandaddy Sourdough

Ivey Sourdough

I started Ivey Bread in my kitchen with my long time friend, Shelby, who wanted to start her own sourdough. For me, sharing the love of sourdough with friends is so fun! This one is still in the experimental phase—keep an eye out for the launch!

Est. March 2019

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